Health Benefits of Hydrogen Water

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Hydrogen therapy has garnered significant attention due to its potential health benefits. With
over 1,000 research publications and clinical experiments involving both animals and humans,
the evidence supporting the positive impact of consuming molecular hydrogen is robust. The
Japanese Ministry of Health has recently approved hydrogen health treatment as an official
medical practice, highlighting its efficacy in combating viral infections and reducing harmful free
Hydrogen therapy is beneficial for treating various diseases, including:

  • Viral infections
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Ischemia-reperfusion
    Research shows that hydrogen-rich water is safe and effective when used as a daily
    replacement for typical water consumption.

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Antioxidant & Brain Protection

Brain Boost & Mental Clarity

Infusing molecular hydrogen into water reduces the most toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS),
protecting cells from damage. A pilot study involving 38 stroke patients demonstrated that
hydrogen water is safe and has a mild antioxidant effect.

Boosts Skin Health (Anti-aging)

Ease The Sneeze

Hydrogen water can benefit those suffering from allergies due to its antioxidant action. A study
on eczema showed that hydrogen water helps balance the immune response and suppress
inflammation. In mice with eczema, hydrogen water improved symptoms by balancing both Th1
and Th2 responses.

Parkinson’s Disease

Easing Parkinson’s Symptoms

Molecular hydrogen water shows promise for Parkinson’s patients due to its powerful antioxidant
properties. It targets oxidative stress and inflammation, which are key factors in Parkinson’s
progression. Studies suggest its neuroprotective effects could help manage symptoms.

Suppressing Inflammation

Everyday Flexibility

A pilot study with 20 rheumatoid arthritis patients who drank 0.5 L/day of hydrogen water for four
weeks showed promising results. All patients with early rheumatoid arthritis achieved remission,

and 20% became symptom-free. Molecular hydrogen also exhibited anti-inflammatory effects in
many animal studies.

Athletic & Muscle Performance

Beyond Performance

In an experiment with 10 young athletes, drinking hydrogen water reduced lactic acid build-up
during heavy exercise and decreased muscle fatigue. Another study with cyclists showed that
drinking 2 liters of hydrogen water daily helped them perform sprints with more energy and less
exhaustion. In mice with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, hydrogen water prevented abnormal
body mass gain and increased antioxidant production.

Help With Weight Loss

Keep It Light

Long-term consumption of hydrogen water helped rats lose body fat and weight. It enhanced fat
and sugar metabolism without dietary changes, showing effects similar to calorie restriction.


Improvements Worth Mentioning

A study involving 36 patients with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes showed that drinking 900 mL of
hydrogen water daily for eight weeks decreased cholesterol, improved glucose tolerance, and
reduced insulin resistance. This suggests that hydrogen water could be a safe way to lower the
risk of type 2 diabetes.

Hydrogen Therapy

Inhaling Molecular Hydrogen Gas (H2)

Diatomic hydrogen (H2) is a novel antioxidant that selectively reduces toxic reactive-oxygen
species levels. Studies have reported that H2, whether inhaled or ingested, can benefit various
models of ischaemia-reperfusion injury.

How Can Hydrogen Water Improve Your Health?

Dr. Robert Gellibolian, Ph.D. in Biochemistry, discusses how molecular hydrogen paired with a
negative ORP is more beneficial to the human body than just higher pH water.

What is ORP?

Typical drinking water often has a high, positive Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP), which
promotes oxidative stress in the body. Our hydrogen-generating products transform water by
infusing it with molecular hydrogen gas, creating a negative ORP. This shift means your water
works against oxidation, helping neutralize harmful free radicals and supporting your body’s
natural defenses.
Experience the difference with just one cycle of our hydrogen-generating technology, which can
lower water’s ORP to below -690 mV, making it more antioxidizing. Opt for a double cycle, and
you’ll achieve even more potent ORP levels. Hydrate smarter and give your body the gift of
balanced, rejuvenating water every day.
